60 Years!
To us humans, 60 years is almost a whole lifetime.
To a turtle, it’s merely half a lifetime.
To a Boa Constrictor, it’s over twice a lifetime, almost an eternity
To a mayfly (24 hours lifespan), it is incomprehensible. Almost impossible, in fact.
How do we then, know the lifespan of a nation, to determine how well they should be performing at any given point?
A human at 18 is merely beginning his life, while a dog at that age ought to have lived a fulfilled life. How do we know, then, that we’re not judging our nation simply because of our limited time?
How do we know a 60-year old empire isn’t still suckling? Rome took about 300 years to rise to power, didn’t it?
I’m not happy with the situation either… I’m just saying