Data Analytics: More than a Career for Me

Chidiuto Okorie
3 min readOct 10, 2023


Image from dreamstime

It’s the 100th day (more like 100th entry) of my #100DaysOfData series. If you follow me on twitter, you’re probably thinking, “Oh finally. I thought it’d never end.” Guess what? Me neither, and here’s why.

In June 2022, I picked up yet another tech interest. This, after my failed attempts at Native Android development (with Java) in late 2019 — early 2020, that extremely short stint at frontend web development (sometime in 2018 – 2019), and the cross-platform mobile development with flutter (2021) that lasted a bit longer than the others; hell, I even completed a Zuri training and started HNG 2021 with it. Nods to my HNG 8 opening article.

Yet again, I find myself intrigued by an arm of tech; the 21st century’s buzzword industry. Having understood why I kept falling by the wayside in the past, I was determined to stay in line this time —to become a data professional. One of my biggest challenges is staying committed, and one way to tackle that was the #100Days challenge. So, on the 23rd day of June in the Year of the Lord 2022, I kicked it off.

Yes, yes, 23rd June 2022 was — * counts fingers* — 475 days ago. Consistency has always been a problem for me. I knew even when I learned on some days, documenting would be a problem, and if I felt I was being inconsistent, I’d be inclined to quit. So, I wrote this under the original post.

“The sweetness of a journey is in the going, not the destination,” my grandad always says. I decided to focus on the journey. I was going to keep learning data analysis long enough to make 100 posts regardless of how distracted I got, regardless of how lax I got with it. And I did get lax…

Sometimes, it was my fault and sometimes, it wasn’t. Between my job (which I don’t have anymore), my academic activities and other commitments, sometimes, I could not simply bring myself to put a tweet together.

My friend and I used to joke about it, “that 100-days series that’s taken like a thousand days and counting.” How funny would it have been if I actually made it to half of a thousand? I planned initially to leave the 100th entry to whenever I get a job in data, then have landmarks placed for when I officially started learning and when I got my first full-time job. But if that doesn’t happen soon, the wait will probably be a recipe for depression; plus, this had me too excited.

Data Analysis, for me, is more than just a career. This thread was a way to prove to myself that I could stay consistent; that I could begin a journey and see it through. That’s the ‘W’ I’m leaving here with. I’m not close to where I want to be or where I should be, but I’m 100 entries and a few minor projects better a data analyst than I was on 23rd June 2022.

I hope I make it on this path. If I don’t, it won’t be for my lack of trying.

There was no reason for me to share this story, except that I miss writing in this form, and this was a good excuse. In the meantime, here is my linktree, in case you’d like to contact me for gigs, internships, or other roles.

Whatever projects I work on, you’ll be able to access them from there.

Here’s to the journey. Cheerio!

