Chidiuto Okorie
2 min readJul 30, 2021

You know that saying that time is slow when you wait and fast when you’re late? It couldn’t be more true for my last week of internship. As fate would have it, my last week happened to be a night-shift week for me and it got kinda exciting knowing I’d end my internship with the rising sun.

My last day (or night) at work, I left home for the office, thinking of what surprises my final 16 hours as an intern held for me. I started to have subtle flashbacks of the past four and a half months of my life. I remembered very clearly the day I applied. I was searching out ISPs to send applications to while filling in my practical manual in school.

I remember getting the call for an interview only a few days later, which was weird to be since the last place I applied now became the first place I received feedback from. I remembered telling my friend P the news and her words being “You have an interview, this boy. What are you still doing in school?”

All the “How did you apply?”, “Are they still taking interns?”, “Where did you find the company?” questions I had to answer still ring in my head today. I remembered the interview and the successful message later on. Then the other interview with another company a few days later and how I respectfully declined and opted to continue where I already started after they offered me placement a week later.

I recalled how the days turned into weeks and weeks into months. My first field job with Mark, every moment of annoyance and regret, every joke and every moment of happiness. I remember most of all, the two times I had to be reprimanded. Boy am I a stubborn one?

All in all, it’s been an internship to remember. Maybe not quite as I imagined before I began, but hey! Lemons and lemonades, right?

Now after 16 long hours through the night, the Sun rises. My time here is over. I must return to school for my final Season in the Sun. It’s the end of my Lasgidi Intern Series. Although cut short by the rather unfortunate loss of my device (blessed be his memory), I had to at least sign out.

It’s been an honor, but now, like all things good or bad…

My watch has ended.

#MyInternshipDiary #LasgidiIntern

